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Near real-time insights with Complete
Digital Health Solutions.

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BodyLog365 - Australia’s only Eco-system with historical data that REMOTELY connects individuals and various health professionals (GPs, Specialists, Pharmacists, Diabetic educators and many) to enable better clinical decisions, all on ONE platform.

BodyLog365 eco-system enables viewing and monitoring of vital health data collected by individuals using latest Bluetooth health devices, that are best in the market.

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Three key reasons why to use BodyLog365

  • Better accuracy through transparency of real historic data of an individual
  • Promote early interventions and recommend correctly
  • A complete picture of individual’s health data taken at home, not opinions

Why Choose Us

BodyLog365 has integrated nearly 30 various Bluetooth devices giving over 35 various vital parameters. These parameters will help medical professionals to manage their customers by providing better clinical outcomes. We are proud to say that we are the only company in Australia that can provide all these parameters at one place.

All the data is encrypted and securely stores on our servers located in Sydney, which means all data stays within Australian borders.

BodyLog365 is currently integrated with Best Practice, Fred Dispense & MediSecure. We provide tailored and white label solutions to Talius Group and Telstra Health.

BodyLog365 vision is to provide end to end Digital Health Solutions.

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Many Users. One Ecosystem. BodyLog365

Our Partners

Best Practice medical software
Fred Dispense
Life Smart Get Ahead

Our Customers

T Health
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Our Testimonials

LifeSmart digital health monitoring devices are TGA-registered, secure, and safe

TGA-Registered, secure and safe

All data collected by BodyLog365 or LifeSmart Health app through LifeSmart Health monitoring devices is encrypted and securely stored on servers located in Australia.

Data is NOT sold, transferred or shared to any third parties.
BodyLog365 subscriber has control on their data choosing whom to share their data, adding or removing permissions at any time through LifeSmart Health app.